Teacher Feature: Adam Peterson
Thursday, January 31, 2019
Adam Peterson graduated from Oklahoma State University in 2006 with a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Science Education. A 13-year teaching veteran, Peterson currently teaches 10th through 12th grade earth and space science at Jenks High School in Jenks, Oklahoma.

Why did you decide to become a science educator?
I love the outdoors, and I love working with high school students. This career path
allowed me to combine my two passions.
How did your time at Oklahoma State prepare you for your current teaching position?
My time as a student at OSU prepared me for life and my career in so many ways. I
gained a firm foundation in my content area and acquired great tools to use in the
What is one of your favorite memories from a class you took at OSU?
I remember an engineering design challenge we did in a science teaching methods class.
The professor gave each group supplies and we had to build trebuchets. The most effective
trebuchet won. I’ve done similar lessons countless times as a teacher. My students
love tinkering, they just don’t realize they’re learning at the same time.
What makes your professional life rewarding?
I love the “aha” moments, the words of thanks and the visits from students who are
now in college or pursuing their own careers.
You were recognized as the Jenks High School Teacher of the Year for 2018-2019. What
was your reaction to receiving that honor?
I was in shock upon learning about the award. I work with a great crew of phenomenal
educators. In my opinion, any one of them is worthy of being named Teacher of the
What is the most important thing you’d like to share with education policy makers
on behalf of your students and your school?
Class size plays a significant role in the learning process. My most effective teaching
has been when I’ve been lucky enough to have a class of 23 students. We got to know
each other better as people, and I had a better knowledge of how much they understood
what we were learning. That is so much harder with 32 or more students.
MEDIA CONTACT: Rachel Eng |405-744-8320 |rachel.eng@okstate.edu