Teacher Feature: Maggie Roberts
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Maggie Roberts graduated from Oklahoma State University in 2018 with a Bachelor of Science in Biological Science and a Secondary Teacher Certification. A two-year teaching veteran, Roberts currently teaches seventh-grade physical science and sixth-grade science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) at Oklahoma Christian School in Edmond, Oklahoma.

Why did you decide to become an educator?
Because I had a passion for working with students and a love for science. This career
was a perfect combination of two things so important to me: mentorship and inspiring
students to learn and be in awe of the world around us.
What brings joy to your work?
Middle school is a time where so many students are trying to figure out who they are
and what they find interesting. I love the opportunity I have to cultivate relationships
with students and encourage them in this journey.
Elaborate on the impact you have as a teacher.
One of the reasons I decided to become an educator is because of some truly amazing
teachers I had. I think a teacher’s impact starts in the little things, like stopping
to have a conversation to encourage a student or taking the time to go to students’
school activities. It is shocking how much of an impact you can have by taking those
extra steps. With my sweet middle school students, I know many may not share the depth
of impact on their lives, but I have confidence that I am planting seeds each day
that will grow to bear much greater fruit!
Dr. Julie Angle, associate professor of science education, guides the OSU secondary
science program and spoke highly of Maggie’s research contributions.
Our secondary science teacher education program ensures that Preservice Science Teachers
(PSTs) are scientifically literate, meaning they possess a strong understanding of
science content knowledge, the methods and practices of science and the nature of
science. To ensure this high standard of teacher preparation, students conduct STEM
research under the mentorship of OSU faculty in a research immersion experience. Maggie’s
research experience resulted in cutting-edge research contributions conducted in the
Department of Integrative Biology with Dr. Barney Lettbeg and his team of researchers
and positioned her as a published co-author in the prestigious journal of Aquatic
MEDIA CONTACT: Rachel Eng |405-744-8320 |rachel.eng@okstate.edu