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OSU wrestlers and trainers visit teenage wrestler in rehabilitation following rare adolescent stroke at summer camp

Mon, Sep 18, 2023

Mother of 14-year-old Tuttle wrestler wants every parent, teacher, coach and trainer to recognize the symptoms of a stroke in youngsters

land-grant universitiesOSU AthleticsLance WalkerHuman Performance and Nutrition Research InstituteCowboy Wrestling
Athletic Training ECHO teaches concussion prevention, signs of symptoms

Wed, Aug 16, 2023

Oklahoma State University’s Human Performance and Nutrition Research Institute is working to tackle one of the biggest topics in sports safety today — concussions. The recently launched Athletic Training-Sports Management ECHO kicked off its series on concussions Aug. 9 with a session on the assessment and diagnosis of concussions. The session covered the newest research and publications on diagnosing concussions and the new standard definition of concussions along with a case presentation.

Athletic TrainingOSU-CHSECHOHuman Performance and Nutrition Research InstituteLance WalkerProject ECHO
OSU launches first-of-its-kind Athletic Training - Sports Medicine ECHO

Thu, May 25, 2023

Athletic trainers and sports medicine providers at schools across the state have a new resource to call on for expert guidance

Project ECHOLance WalkerDr. Johnny StephensHuman Performance and Nutrition Research Institute
Inaugural HPNRI symposium spurs new research connections

Thu, May 04, 2023

The Oklahoma State University Human Performance and Nutrition Research Institute (HPNRI) celebrated its inaugural symposium last week, uniting dozens of faculty and thought leaders from across campuses and disciplines to explore new avenues for research and collaboration.

College of Engineering Architecture and TechnologyOSU ExtensionCollege of Osteopathic MedicineHuman Performance and Nutrition Research InstituteOSU-CHSCollege of Education and Human SciencesCollege of Arts and SciencesCollege of Veterinary MedicinePresident Kayse ShrumStudent AffairsFerguson College of AgricultureLance WalkerOSU Athletics