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College of Education and Human Sciences hosts first Aero Exploration Day

In a first-of-its-kind event on the Oklahoma State University campus, Aero Exploration Day brought nearly 100 high school students from across the state to the Wes Watkins Center for International Trade Development on March 5 for a glimpse into the world of aerospace at OSU, and a bit of friendly competition.
OSU Flight Team takes second place at 2023 regional competition

Wed, Nov 01, 2023

The Oklahoma State University Flight Team placed second overall in the 2023 National Intercollegiate Flying Association (NIFA) Region IV SAFECON contest, held Oct. 16-20 at East Texas Regional Airport in Longview, Texas.

College of Education and Human SciencesAerospace Administration and OperationsOSU Flying Aggies
Joyce sees hard work at OSU rewarded

Tue, May 04, 2021

The University Service Award is given to individuals who quietly go about their duties giving so much above and beyond their assigned responsibilities and making a notable difference in their units and to OSU as a whole.

faculty awards convocationAerospace Administration and OperationsCollege of Education and Human SciencesOffice of Student Veteran Success