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OSU Opera Theatre to present Into the Woods

Oklahoma State University Opera Theatre will present Stephen Sondheim’s Into the Woods on Thursday and Friday, March 30 and 31, at The McKnight Center for the Performing Arts in Stillwater. The cast and orchestra are comprised of students from OSU’s Michael and Anne Greenwood School of Music and the Department of Theatre.
OSU Opera Theatre to perform “The Pirates of Penzance” 

Tue, Feb 27, 2018

The Oklahoma State University Opera Theatre will present “The Pirates of Penzance” with comic performances that are sure to be crowd pleasers on Friday and Saturday, March 9 and 10, at 7:30 p.m. in the concert hall of the Seretean Center for the Performing Arts. 

University ReleasesNews TopicsOSU TheatreArts and HumanitiesOpera
Opera legend teaches master class for OSU students

Wed, Feb 28, 2007

The Oklahoma State University music department recently hosted one of the world’s most famous opera singers, Sherrill Milnes, who led the department’s first master class for voice majors and lectured on arts advocacy.

OperaCollege of Arts and SciencesMichael and Anne Greenwood School of MusicArts and Humanities