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OSU-COM CN Dean Bray, health care leaders discuss the future of AI in medicine

Dr. Natasha Bray, dean of the OSU College of Osteopathic Medicine at Cherokee Nation, took part in a panel discussion at the inaugural Think Health: AI for Healthy Communities conference on January 10 in Bentonville, Arkansas.
Steve Mackin, left, president and CEO Mercy Health Systems; Dr. Natasha Bray, dean of OSU College of Osteopathic Medicine at the Cherokee Nation; Yogi Hernandez Suarez, executive vice dean and professor at Alice L. Walton School of Medicine; and Sharmila Makhija, founding dean and CEO of Alice L. Walton School of Medicine, speak at the first Think Health: AI for Healthy Communities Conference in Bentonville, Arkansas on January 10, 2025.
Med student spends time in Alaska as part of tribal medicine training

Wed, Nov 16, 2022

For medical student Ashton Glover Gatewood, spending time in Wasilla, Alaska, treating patients and learning from physicians at the Benteh Nuutah Valley Native Primary Care Center was both quite similar and very different to her time in tribal health facilities in Oklahoma.

Tribal MedicineOSU-CHSOSU Center for Health SciencesOklahoma State University College of Osteopathic Medicine at Cherokee NationRural MedicineCollege of Osteopathic Medicine
OSU-CHS earns top 10 spots in U.S. News and World Report rankings

Tue, Mar 29, 2022

For the second consecutive year, OSU Center for Health Sciences has been designated one of the nation’s best medical schools in several U.S. News and World Report rankings. OSU-CHS earned the No. 5 ranking in graduates practicing in rural areas and once again earned the No. 7 spot in health professional shortage areas.

Rural MedicineCollege of Osteopathic MedicineOSU Center for Health SciencesOSU-CHS
Rural Renewal Initiative Project helps across state

Fri, Sep 17, 2021

Recognizing the increased reliance on rural paramedics following a hospital closure, the Rural Renewal Initiative of Oklahoma State University launched a research program in the summer of 2021 to help Frederick and similar communities cope with these challenges.

Rural MedicineResearch Matters magazineRural DevelopmentRural Renewal InitiativeMagazineResearch
Brothers graduate from medical school together

Fri, May 07, 2021

Brother Tyler and Taylor Snyder, only a year and a half apart in age, will graduate from OSU College of Osteopathic Medicine together on May 15.

GraduationOSU Center for Health SciencesCampus Life and DiversityCommencementRural MedicineCollege of Osteopathic MedicineOSU-CHS
OSU College of Osteopathic Medicine climbs U.S. News & World Report rankings

Fri, Apr 02, 2021

OSU College of Osteopathic Medicine has been designated one of the nation’s best medical schools in numerous U.S. News and World Report rankings

OSU Center for Health SciencesRural MedicineOSU-CHSNews Topics
Blue Coat to White Coat program grows with Oklahoma FFA partnership

Wed, Dec 16, 2020

The Blue Coat to White Coat program is OSU Center for Health Sciences' partnership with FFA to identify talented students interested in a career as a physician.

OSU-CHSFFAOutreach and EngagementRecruitmentRural Medicine
OSU TeleHealth Solution connecting rural hospitals to physician specialists during COVID-19 emergency

Mon, May 04, 2020

OSU Medicine is substantially increasing its telemedicine capability this week to aid rural hospitals and communities as part of Oklahoma’s COVID-19 Task Force response.

OSU-CHSOSU medicineRural MedicineTelemedicineHuman Health and Wellness