EHA Faculty and Staff Honored at University Awards Convocation
Monday, December 10, 2018
Six faculty and staff from the College of Education, Health and Aviation were honored at the annual University Awards Convocation on December 4.
Jason DeFreitas, assistant professor in health and human performance, received the Regents Distinguished Research Award, which recognizes faculty who have shown unusually significant achievement in their field of research. DeFreitas’ research interests include non-invasive assessment of neuromuscular function, motor unit behavior in humans, neural adaptions to strength training, proprioception and its effects on motor function and motor deficits related to aging or disease.
Sheri Vasinda, associate professor in literacy education, was honored with the Regents Distinguished Teaching Award for her achievements in instruction. Vasinda has been a member of the OSU faculty since 2012.
Receiving the Advising Excellence Award for the College of Education, Health and Aviation was Jordan Blackburn, senior academic counselor for the Watson Family Student Academic Success Center.

Tonya Hammer, associate professor in counseling and counseling psychology, was recognized with the Distinguished Early Career Faculty Award. This award is designated for faculty members who were awarded tenure within the past three years and have demonstrated a strong potential for continued contributions to the university and to his/her profession in the area of instruction, research and creative activity as well as extension or outreach. Hammer recently established the Body Image and Disordered Eating (BIDE) Laboratory at OSU-Tulsa to focus on producing evidence-based research related to eating disorders and body image dissatisfaction.
Chad Depperschmidt, associate professor in aviation and space, was awarded the University Service Award. Depperschmidt has been a member of the OSU faculty since 2007.
The Leave the Ladder Down Award is given to a faculty member, staff member and administrator who has successfully mentored and encouraged others to reach their fullest potential. This year’s staff recipient was Sue Goad, senior administrative support specialist for education outreach.
To view additional photos from the 2018 University Awards Convocation click here.