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Nutritional Sciences student Anya Thompson pursues the science of caring

Anya Thompson, an Oklahoma State University sophomore, is blazing her own trail with determination and compassion.
Anya Thompson
Meet Jamie Baham: nutritional sciences graduate student

Fri, Jan 21, 2022

Nutritional sciences graduate student, Jamie Baham, is determined to make an impact in the world of nutrition through education and outreach.

Student SuccessStudent SpotlightunpeeledCollege of Education and Human SciencesNutritional Scienceshealth headlines
Meet Alyssa Oates, interior design junior

Mon, Nov 22, 2021

Alyssa Oates is an interior design junior enrolled in the four plus one program at Oklahoma State University, where she will complete a bachelor’s and master’s degree in five years. Oates is conducting research as a Wentz Research Scholar to learn more about the effects of biophilic design - taking concepts from nature and applying them to the interior to increase joy and productivity - in a classroom. She shared more about her research and involvement on campus below:

interior designStudent SpotlightDepartment of Design and MerchandisingWentz Research ScholarsCollege of Education and Human Sciencesundergraduate research
Meet Cody Cummins, nutritional sciences student

Tue, Nov 02, 2021

Cody Cummins is a nuritional sciences junior, two-time Wentz Scholar and a former Freshman Research Scholar regarded as a “rock star” by assistant professor Dr. Jill Joyce.

Student SpotlightWentz Research ScholarsdieteticsROTCCollege of Education and Human SciencesNutritional Sciences
We Are OSU-CHS: Evan Johnson-Ransom

Thu, Jan 14, 2021

A regular spotlight of some of OSU-CHS' outstanding students at our Tulsa and Tahlequah sites.

Student SpotlightPaleontologyOSU Center for Health SciencesOSU-CHS
We Are OSU-CHS: Diego Dominguez

Wed, Dec 16, 2020

A regular spotlight of some of OSU-CHS' outstanding students at our Tulsa and Tahlequah sites

Student SpotlightOSU-CHSMedical Student
We Are OSU-CHS: Mackenzee Hester

Wed, Dec 16, 2020

A regular spotlight of some of OSU-CHS' outstanding students at our Tulsa and Tahlequah sites

Medical StudentOSU-CHSStudent SpotlightOSU College of Osteopathic Medicine at the Cherokee Nation
Refusing to let evil win

Tue, Jan 21, 2020

Visiting Munich, Germany, in the fall means a trip to the world-famous Oktoberfest, the huge celebration where a nation comes together to share its love of beer. For Cindy Crenshaw-Martin, vacationing in Munich with friends in 1980, the fun she expected when she walked through the festival’s main entrance vaporized before it began. Instead, fire and carnage would mar the rest of her life.

HighlightSpears School of BusinessBusinessNews TopicsStudent Spotlight