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Ahead of the Curve: OSU sets new enrollment records, hitting key strategic goal two years ahead of schedule

When Oklahoma State University launched the We Are Land-Grant strategy in fall 2022, the first imperative was to enroll over 5,000 first-time freshmen by 2026. This fall, the university hit that goal two years ahead of schedule.
Spears Business numbers reach historic highs

Mon, Aug 21, 2023

OSU announced record-breaking enrollment numbers Monday and the Spears School of Business also established historic numbers on the first day of class for the 2023-24 school year.

freshmanSpears School of BusinessEnrollmentBusiness
OSU to begin using the Common Application, effective 2024 for incoming freshmen

Wed, Jun 21, 2023

As part of its land-grant mission to ensure more students have access to an affordable education and enriched experience, Oklahoma State University will begin using the Common Application for 2024 incoming freshmen.

OSU GlobalCollege of Arts and SciencesCollege of Education and Human SciencesCollege of Engineering Architecture and TechnologyFerguson College of AgricultureadmissionsSpears School of BusinessEnrollment
National credit rating agencies recognize Oklahoma State University’s strong financial standing

Tue, May 09, 2023

Two leading national credit rating agencies recently assigned AA- ratings to Oklahoma State University following extensive financial reviews, marking the eighth year in a row OSU has achieved the highest credit rating of any higher education system in Oklahoma.

OSU A&M Board of RegentsAdministration and FinancePresident Kayse ShrumStrategic Planland-grant universitiesSenior Vice President for Administration and FinanceEnrollmentadmissions
Making History: OSU sets record for freshman enrollment

Tue, Dec 20, 2022

With 4,643 first-time freshmen enrolled, the class of 2026 eclipses previous records and represents an increase of nearly 9% over last year’s freshman enrollment for the fall semester. OSU’s total enrollment for the fall semester was up nearly 3% over last year — 25,359 students — and includes students from all 50 states; Washington, D.C.; Puerto Rico and 113 countries.

Karen ChenEnrollmentState magazine
Spears Business enrollment numbers reach historic highs

Tue, Aug 30, 2022

The Spears School of Business is on trend with Oklahoma State University’s largest class of freshmen students with its historic, record-breaking enrollment numbers this fall.

Spears School of BusinessEnrollment
OSU freshman enrollment hits all-time high: Incoming class tops previous record by more than 375 students

Thu, Aug 18, 2022

Oklahoma State University is preparing to welcome its largest, most diverse freshman class in history.

EnrollmentCampus Life and Diversitynew freshmencollege admissionsnew student