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First Impressions program enhances OSU’s campus to create lasting impact

When prospective students visit Oklahoma State University, they often admire the well-maintained gardens and plant beds. They anticipate a similar level of quality when they see the campus buildings. The First Impressions program at OSU ensures that these high-traffic areas are well-kept, creating a welcoming environment.
On the left are a bunch of broken, yellow classroom chairs and on the right are updated gray and black chairs.
OSU becomes certified as a Monarch Waystation

Mon, Jun 06, 2022

Oklahoma State University’s Oklahoma Native Plant Corridor was certified as a Monarch Waystation, a program run by the nonprofit Monarch Watch, on May 8.

Facilities Managementsustainabilitybutterfly
Remembrance Garden set to open with commemoration April 23

Mon, Apr 04, 2022

For many years, the southeastern corner of Oklahoma State University’s campus was the first thing thousands of students saw as they arrived for college. On April 23, a Remembrance Garden will open to once again bring significance to the area. A special remembrance service will also take place to honor students and employees who have passed away in the past year.

Facilities ManagementremembranceDoug HallenbeckStudent AffairsArchives
Facilities Management uses campus as a hands-on lab for students — and wins honor for it

Wed, Aug 25, 2021

Oklahoma State University has long been lauded for the beauty and quality of its campus grounds and buildings. These days, Facilities Management has added another dimension to its care and upkeep of campus — an educational one.

Facilities ManagementState magazine
OSU unveils new street signs

Thu, Apr 15, 2021

New street signs around Oklahoma State University’s Stillwater campus are continuing the university’s initiative to expand its brand recognition.

Facilities ManagementOSU Parking Services