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OSU Competitive Sales Team shows adaptability in national competition win

Snow and ice couldn’t stop the OSU Competitive Sales Team from excelling in the University of South Florida’s Selling with the Bulls competition. OSU participated virtually, collecting several awards that include a first-place trophy.
Spears Business students expand skills through semester-long program in Thailand

Mon, Oct 28, 2024

Spears School of Business students Trevor Friesen and Austin Haddock were among OSU’s first participants in a semesterlong study abroad program at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand. With course topics ranging from marketing to Thai culture and government, Haddock and Friesen looked at business from new, broader perspectives.

School of AccountingSchool of Marketing and International BusinessDepartment of ManagementcagleOSU GlobalSpears School of Business
In the Middle of a Miracle: OSU sophomore Brooklyn Hawkins’ personal journey inspires her to create nonprofit for pediatric cancer awareness

Tue, Oct 08, 2024

After battling Hodgkin lymphoma, OSU sophomore Brooklyn Hawkins was only 17 when she founded In the Middle of a Miracle, a nonprofit raising pediatric cancer awareness with a focus on teenagers. Her Spears Business courses and campus connections have helped her channel a deep passion for nonprofit management into a statewide support system for teens.

School of Marketing and International BusinessDepartment of ManagementSpears School of Business
Recipe for success: Pie Junkie entrepreneurs, OSU alumni share secrets of creating award-winning business

Tue, Sep 24, 2024

Oklahoma State University graduate Leslie Coale-Mossman turned her love for pie into an award-winning business. Coale-Mossman, co-founder Darcy Schein and general manager Emily Hummel visited the Spears School of Business to share entrepreneurial insights with students.

Spears School of BusinessCollege of Arts and SciencesSchool of Marketing and International BusinessSpears School of Business AlumniDepartment of ManagementRiata Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship