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'Oklahoma Gardening' celebrates golden anniversary

"Oklahoma Gardening" is celebrating 50 years on the air.
Three people standing and two people sitting on a small porch. They are wearing shirts of different colors, including pink, blue, teal and purple, along with blue jeans and khaki pants.
P&K Equipment supplies tractors to OSU Student Farm

Wed, Mar 13, 2024

The OSU Student Farm will use the tractors to expand vegetable production and build on a new partnership with the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma.

Ferguson College of AgriculturegardeningOSU Ag ResearchDepartment of Horticulture and Landscape ArchitectureOSU ExtensionOSU AgricultureThe Botanic Garden at OSU
New education center planned at OSU’s botanic garden

Tue, Apr 04, 2023

A ground-breaking ceremony took place recently for the new Horticulture Education Center to be built at The Botanic Garden at Oklahoma State University.

Department of Horticulture and Landscape ArchitectureOSU AgriculturegardeningOklahoma GardeningEducationplantsThe Botanic Garden at OSUOutreach and Engagement
Gift to Horticulture Education Center Project will help create new building at The Botanic Garden at OSU

Thu, May 05, 2022

The Oklahoma WONDERtorium Board recently made a $45,000 donation to the Horticulture Education Center Project, which will create a new building at The Botanic Garden at Oklahoma State University featuring a classroom, public restrooms and an office.

Horticulture Education CenterOSU ExtensionOklahoma WondertoriumFerguson College of AgricultureThe Botanic Garden at OSUOSU AgricultureOSU FoundationAgricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
OSU Herb and Succulent Festival slated for April 30

Wed, Apr 20, 2022

The annual Herb and Succulent Festival will take place April 30 at The Botanic Garden at Oklahoma State University.

gardeningThe Botanic Garden at OSUplantsDepartment of Horticulture and Landscape ArchitectureOSU AgricultureOutreach and EngagementOSU Extension