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OSU Department of Wellness hosts first mental health awareness walk

OSU enhancing mental health awareness, resources with partnership

Tue, Feb 23, 2021

Since the fall of 2019, Oklahoma State University has partnered with the JED Foundation to improve campus mental health resources. The JED Foundation is a nationally recognized nonprofit devoted to mental health and suicide prevention in teens and young adults.

mental health resourcesCampus Life and Diversityhealth and wellness
OSU continues to offer counseling and academic resources

Tue, Dec 01, 2020

Just because students are away from campus doesn’t mean they’re on their own. From tutoring help to counseling services, OSU has virtual resources available to help students ahead of finals and over the winter break.

tutoringCampus Life and Diversitywriting centermental health resourcesOutreach and Engagementmathematics learning success centerUniversity Counseling ServicesHuman Health and WellnessEducationLASSO Center
OSU teams with nonprofit to send students messages of hope and support

Fri, Nov 20, 2020

Thousands of Oklahoma State University students living on campus and in the Greek community received messages of support and mental health resources this week, courtesy of the nonprofit organization Hope is Oxygen.

University Counseling ServicesOffice of Fraternity and Sorority Affairsmental health resourcesHuman Health and WellnessCampus Life and DiversityOutreach and EngagementStudent AffairsUniversity ReleasesGreek LifeCOVID-19Department of Housing and Residential Lifecoronavirus
Mental Health Q&A addresses student questions, highlights resources

Tue, Nov 03, 2020

Oklahoma State University hosted a mental health question and answer session Oct. 30 in an effort to help students understand the resources available to them.

Campus Life and DiversityOutreach and EngagementHuman Health and Wellnessstudent counseling centermental health resourcesUniversity Counseling Services