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Brett Carver speaking to an audience in a wheat field at the 2022 Chickasha field day.
OSU Agriculture field days kick off this week with Tipton Wheat Field Day on Wednesday and the Wheat & Forages Field Day in Chickasha. (Photo by Alisa Boswell-Gore, OSU Agriculture)

OSU Agriculture field days begin April 26

Monday, April 24, 2023

Media Contact: Alisa Boswell-Gore | Agricultural Communications Services | 405-744-7115 |

Oklahoma State University Ag Research and Extension officials invite producers, allied industry representatives and lawmakers to this year’s series of annual field day events, beginning this week in Tipton and Chickasha.

“Our experts will talk about new wheat varieties that have emerged and how different varieties have performed in different locations,” said Damona Doye, associate vice president of OSU Extension. “Every year, the weather and the soils are different at all our locations, so seeing how our varieties perform in different areas is important. Field days are an opportunity for producers to have conversations with the researchers and the Extension specialists about what they’ve observed is important in their location.”

OSU Agriculture administration, researchers and Extension specialists have worked hard the past two years to promote the activities to larger and more diverse audiences by broadening the topics presented.

“We would like to provide more opportunities for the public and ag producers to learn more about all our related research disciplines,” said Scott Senseman, associate vice president of OSU Ag Research.

Field day coordinators are already at work to integrate new topics this year with the Wheat & Forages Field Day on April 28 in Chickasha where they will discuss forage production and wheat topics.

Senseman said it is important for OSU Agriculture to continue enhancing public trust in science through clear communication and intentional research.

“Part of our responsibility is to make sure that we provide every opportunity to help people understand science, and part of doing that is telling our own story – what we are researching and why and what that means for the state and beyond,” he said.

Chris Richards, director of the Field and Research Service Unit, said field days are a good opportunity for OSU Agriculture to highlight cutting-edge and direct application research that is conducted at OSU research centers across the state.

“We are looking to expand these events to highlight that OSU’s work is as diverse as Oklahoma’s agriculture,” Richards said. “Along with field research at our stations, OSU Agriculture also conducts fundamental research that we would like to share as it may have significant future impacts on agriculture.”

Schedule for 2023 field days:

The Tipton field day will cover wheat topics, such as OSU wheat forage yield and quality, herbicide trials, OSU wheat varieties and breeding, and nitrogen fertility. The Chickasha event will focus on selection and management research for grain and forage production as well as the use and management of perennial forages. For the full schedule of both events, visit the field days website.