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Breaking Bread, Building Futures: OSU Agriculture celebrates Agricultural Hall's Grand Opening and Dedication

OSU celebrates the grand opening of the state-of-the-art Agricultural Hall, marking a new era of innovation and collaboration in agricultural education.
Pistol Pete stands next to the Agricultural Hall sign outside the new building.
Phi Beta Delta honor society inducts President Shrum, Deans Payne and Lusk

Mon, Nov 20, 2023

The Epsilon Upsilon Chapter of the Phi Beta Delta international honor society inducted Oklahoma State University President Kayse Shrum as an honorary member in recognition of her achievements in international scholarship and education during a special ceremony on Nov. 17 in the Wes Watkins Center.

Global magazineSpears School of BusinessOSU GlobalOSU AgriculturePresident Kayse ShrumDr. Jayson Lusk
OSU tailgate celebrates New Frontiers construction progress

Wed, Sep 20, 2023

More than 300 Oklahoma State University New Frontiers donors and Ferguson College of Agriculture faculty, staff, alumni and friends gathered to celebrate Cowboy football and the construction progress of the new home for OSU Agriculture. The event featured a meet-and-greet with OSU Agriculture Vice President and Dean Jayson Lusk.

TailgateOSU ExtensionNew Frontiers Agricultural HallOSU AgricultureFerguson College of AgricultureDr. Jayson LuskOSU Ag ResearchOSU FoundationDairy Bar
Lusk named vice president, dean of OSU Agriculture

Thu, Jun 22, 2023

Oklahoma State University named Dr. Jayson L. Lusk as vice president and dean of the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.

Ferguson College of AgricultureNew Frontiers Agricultural HallOSU ExtensionVice President and DeanDr. Jayson LuskAgricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesOSU Ag ResearchOSU Agriculture
Book by OSU professor endorsed by Nobel Prize-winning economist

Wed, May 16, 2007

A book by Oklahoma State University professor Jayson Lusk is getting a rave review from a Nobel Prize-winning economist.

Dr. Jayson Lusk