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Former OSU president, James Halligan, honored by national engineering society

Fri, Nov 02, 2018

Dr. James Halligan, former president of Oklahoma State University and former Oklahoma State Senator, was named a Tau Beta Pi Distinguished Alumnus at the 2018 convention in Denver, Colo. on October 13. This award recognizes alumni who have demonstrated outstanding adherence to the ideals of Tau Beta Pi and to fostering a spirit of liberal culture on local, national, and international scales.

EducationCEATEngineering and DesignScience and TechnologyNational Engineering SocietyCollege of Engineering Architecture and Technology
OSU team receives $50,000 grant to further research benefitting municipalities

Fri, Oct 19, 2018

Yongwei Shan, assistant professor in the school of civil and environmental engineering at Oklahoma State University, along with graduate assistant Hossein Khaleghian have been awarded a $50,000 National Science Foundation I-Corps grant with the assistance of their industry mentor Jim Harris with Jacobs Engineering Group.

CEATEducationCollege of Engineering Architecture and TechnologyEngineering and DesignResearchCivil and Environmental Engineering
OSU's Parallel Design Build Wins First Place in Regional Competition

Thu, Oct 18, 2018

Oklahoma State University team, Parallel Design Build, has won first place in the southwest region in the 2018 Student Design-Build Competition presented by the Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA). They will now move on to Phase 2 of the competition.

Engineering and Technology ManagementCEATEducationCollege of Engineering Architecture and TechnologyEngineering and Design
Moh'd Bilbeisi Wins Again

Wed, Oct 17, 2018

Moh’d Bilbeisi, professor of architecture at Oklahoma State University, has been awarded the William Kirby Lockard Prize for his work submitted in the 2018 Juried Design Communication Exhibition. This is the top prize in recognition of Excellence in Design Communication awarded by the Design Communication Association at the 2018 DCA Biennial Conference at Cornell University on Oct. 9.

ArchitectureEngineering and DesignCollege of Engineering Architecture and TechnologyawardsCEATEducation
CEAT MSETM Program Celebrates 20 Years

Fri, Oct 05, 2018

OSU’s Master of Science in Engineering and Technology Management (MSETM) program is celebrating 20 years this fall.

Graduate CollegeScience and TechnologyEngineering and Technology ManagementCollege of Engineering Architecture and TechnologyCEATEngineering and DesignEducation
2018 Project Lead the Way Teacher Training a Success

Thu, Oct 04, 2018

The summer 2018 Project Lead the Way professional development training, offered by the College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology, has come to an end. The training consisted of nine classes with 138 teachers from 17 states.

Project lead the wayOutreach and EngagementCollege of Engineering Architecture and TechnologyEducationProfessional DevelopmentCEATScience and TechnologyEngineering and Design
Desharnais becomes first OSU student to win top undergraduate honor in chemical engineering

Wed, Oct 03, 2018

Sarah Desharnais, a chemical engineering senior in the College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology at Oklahoma State University, was named the first OSU student to receive the 2018 John J. McKetta Undergraduate Scholarship Award by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). Desharnais will receive the award, which includes a $5,000 scholarship, at the 2018 Annual AIChE Student Conference in Pittsburgh on Oct. 26. Only one student nationwide is awarded this honor each year.

Engineering and DesignChemical EngineeringawardsScience and TechnologyCEATCollege of Engineering Architecture and TechnologyCHE
Professor James Stine Awarded $1.5M Grant from the Air Force and Department of Defense

Tue, Oct 02, 2018

Computer engineering professor and Earl and Carolyn Glimp Professor of Engineering, James Stine, has been awarded the first phase of a three year, $1,504,372 research grant from the United States Air Force to design low-energy, high performance, application-specific computer architecture for 14nm and 7nm CMOS.

ECENCEATScience and TechnologyEngineering and DesignCollege of Engineering Architecture and TechnologyResearch
A Climb to Remember – Our Fallen Heroes Honored at Oklahoma State University

Thu, Sep 20, 2018

Student firefighters stand guard over a field of flags on the lawn of the Edmon Low Library to remember those who gave their lives to save others on 9-11.

News TopicsStudent LifeCampus Life and DiversityUniversity ReleasesCEATCollege of Engineering Architecture and TechnologyFire Protectionmemorial
Moh’d Bilbeisi Named Among Top 25 Most Admired Educators in Architecture

Tue, Sep 11, 2018

For the second time, DesignIntelligence has named Moh’d Bilbeisi among the top 25 Most Admired Educators in Architecture, Interiors and Landscape Architecture.

CEATArchitectureCampus Life and DiversityawardsdesignUniversity ReleasesArtsCollege of Engineering Architecture and TechnologyEngineering and Design
Bret Robertson Named Emerging Leader by the American Concrete Institute

Sun, Aug 26, 2018

Bret Robertson who is a PhD student and graduate research assistant in Civil and Environmental Engineering in the College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology at Oklahoma State University has been named an Emerging Leader by the American Concrete Institute.

Science and TechnologyEngineeringCEATCivil and Environmental EngineeringNews TopicsCollege of Engineering Architecture and TechnologyEngineering and Design
Jillian Conaghan Promoted to IFSAC Manager

Sun, Aug 26, 2018

– International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) and the College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology (CEAT) at Oklahoma State University are pleased to announce the promotion of Jillian Conaghan as IFSAC’s new manager.

IFSACOutreach and EngagementCollege of Engineering Architecture and TechnologyEngineeringEngineering and DesignCEATNews Topics