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OSU researchers study how technology impacts agriculture

Improving the sustainability, efficiency and environmental impacts of crops, water and cattle requires precise decisions. Researchers at Oklahoma State University are focused on how technology and science can aid in that process.
Small communities seek resources to improve water infrastructure

Thu, Nov 04, 2021

The Oklahoma Water Resources Center at Oklahoma State University aims to address the challenges small communities face in updating their water and wastewater systems.

#OrangeIsTheAnswerOutreach and EngagementOSU ExtensionOSU AgricultureFood Land and Natural Resourceswater
Cracking the case on rural well water

Wed, Oct 20, 2021

Rural residents who rely on private well systems should regularly test their water for harmful materials or contaminants.

OSU Extension#OrangeIsTheAnswerFood Land and Natural ResourcesOSU Agriculturewater
OSU joins international water security research effort

Thu, Aug 19, 2021

The PEER2PEER Program will advance transboundary water security research, education and outreach by bringing together researchers from international research programs around the world to monitor and document the signs and impacts of drought and learn how to overcome water security issues.

waterOSU AgricultureNational Science FoundationDepartment of Biosystems and Agricultural EngineeringFood Land and Natural ResourcesOSU Ag Research
Absorbing Science Via Art

Fri, Dec 18, 2020

OSU Museum exhibition The State We’re In Water offers immersive experiences

waterArtResearchResearch Matters magazineMagazine