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OSU Opera Theatre to present performances of Georg Friedrich Händel’s Rinaldo

Tue, Feb 22, 2022

The Oklahoma State University Opera Theatre will present Rinaldo composed by Georg Friedrich Händel at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, March 4, and Saturday, March 5 in The McKnight Center for the Performing Arts.

McKnight Center for the Performing Arts at Oklahoma State UniversityOSU TheatreMichael and Anne Greenwood School of MusicDepartment of TheatreOperaCollege of Arts and Sciences
Alumni return to Stillwater to perform at McKnight Center

Tue, Dec 14, 2021

Bill Scott Sheets is just one of a few alumni who will be making their McKnight debuts: vocalist Sarah Coburn will finally get to perform after her show was canceled last year and French hornist Ernesto Tovar Torres will be on stage with the Philadelphia Orchestra.

Michael and Anne Greenwood School of MusicArts and HumanitiesMcKnight Center for the Performing Arts at Oklahoma State UniversityState magazineCollege of Arts and Sciences
Celebrating in the key of Greenwood

Tue, Dec 14, 2021

The grand opening celebration for the Michael and Anne Greenwood School of Music was a long time in the making.

Michael and Anne Greenwood School of MusicState magazineCollege of Arts and SciencesOSU Marching Band
4 with OSU ties named to state Higher Education Hall of Fame

Wed, Nov 03, 2021

The Oklahoma Higher Education Heritage Society inducted four people with Oklahoma State University ties into its Hall of Fame on Tuesday.

Oklahoma Higher Education Hall of FameCollege of Arts and SciencesSpears School of BusinessMichael and Anne Greenwood School of MusicDepartment of History
New Greenwood School of Music building opens on campus

Thu, Sep 30, 2021

This state-of-the-art facility, attached to The McKnight Center for the Performing Arts, is among the finest performing arts complexes in the nation.

Michael and Anne Greenwood School of MusicMagazineConnect magazineCollege of Arts and SciencesMcKnight Center for the Performing Arts at Oklahoma State University
OSU’s Greenwood School of Music celebrates grand opening

Mon, Sep 13, 2021

Members of the Cowboy family celebrated the grand opening of the Michael and Anne Greenwood School of Music building Saturday. The event kicked off with the sound of student performances resonating throughout the first floor as guests toured the many unique spaces

College of Arts and SciencesPresident Kayse ShrumMichael and Anne GreenwoodMichael and Anne Greenwood School of MusicArts and Humanities
OSU series featuring Sister Helen Prejean hopes to create discussion on criminal reform

Wed, Jul 21, 2021

Starting at the end of July, Sister Helen Prejean will share the experiences of her journey as a criminal justice advocate for a five-week, six session series at The McKnight Center for the Performing Arts at Oklahoma State University called Prelude to Justice: Art, Reform and the Work of Sister Helen Prejean.

McKnight Center for the Performing Arts at Oklahoma State UniversityMichael and Anne Greenwood School of MusicCollege of Education and Human SciencesOsher Lifelong Learning Institute
OLLI at OSU to host special series Prelude to Justice: Art, Reform and the Work of Sister Helen Prejean

Tue, Jul 13, 2021

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Oklahoma State University (OLLI at OSU), in partnership with the Oklahoma Humanities Council, the OSU Michael and Anne Greenwood School of Music and the McKnight Center for the Performing Arts, is hosting a special series that will explore jurisprudence, the criminal justice system and recovery through art.

Michael and Anne Greenwood School of MusicCollege of Education and Human SciencesMcKnight Center for the Performing Arts at Oklahoma State UniversityOsher Lifelong Learning Institute
Oklahoma State University announces scholar society members

Mon, May 03, 2021

Oklahoma State University has named five new fellows of the Oklahoma State Scholars Society, the university’s prestigious scholar development program that offers major financial support and scholarly mentorship to Oklahoma’s top students.

College of Arts and SciencesFerguson College of AgricultureCollege of Engineering Architecture and TechnologyMichael and Anne Greenwood School of MusicHonors CollegeOklahoma State Scholars Society
Two OSU students named Fulbright Award winners

Thu, Apr 15, 2021

Two Oklahoma State University students have received Fulbright U.S. Student Program awards for the 2021-2022 academic year from the U.S. Department of State and the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board.

OSU Honors CollegeFulbright U.S. Scholar ProgramMichael and Anne Greenwood School of MusicSchool of Media and Strategic CommunicationsOSU GlobalCollege of Arts and SciencesOSU Marching Band