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Producers needed for Asian longhorned tick study

Oklahoma State University researchers are conducting a new study on the Asian longhorned tick and how it affects Oklahoma cattle herds. Dr. Rosslyn Biggs, OSU Extension veterinarian, is partnering with the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine and OSU Extension to reach Oklahoma cattle producers for research participation.
Jonathan Cammack looks at Asian longhorned tick samples in a cup. The cup is in the foreground with Cammack's face hidden in the background.
From 4-H to Ferguson: Oklahoma 4-H members find their home at OSU

Tue, Jul 27, 2021

Roundup is the culmination of a year’s worth of hard work and dedication for Oklahoma’s 4-H youth. It’s an opportunity to learn, connect and grow through networking and experiences with old and new friends.

OSU Ferguson College of Agriculture4-H RoundupPlant and Soil Sciences4-HAgricultural Communications ServicesOSU AgricultureAgricultural Education
Oklahoma State’s Leon Spicer awarded national animal science honor

Wed, Jul 21, 2021

Spicer is the only current faculty member in his department to have been named both an OSU Regents Distinguished Teacher and an OSU Regents Distinguished Researcher.

News TopicsOSU Ag ResearchOSU Ferguson College of AgricultureAmerican Society of Animal ScienceAgricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesAnimal and Food SciencesOSU Agricultureawards
The lasting legacy of Oklahoma State’s Earl Mitchell

Mon, Jun 07, 2021

Mitchell spent 42 years at OSU. His commitment to increasing awareness and involvement in STEM disciplines – science, technology, engineering and mathematics – continues to resonate today.

OK-LSAMPOSU Ag ResearchOSU Ferguson College of AgricultureGraduate Collegestudent engagementBiochemistry and Molecular BiologyOutreach and EngagementSTEM careersNews TopicsOSU Agriculture