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Birdfeeders are a fun teaching tool for all ages

Hanging birdfeeders in the landscape is a good way to provide an educational opportunity for children to learn more about birds.
A bird rests on the perch of a wooden birdfeeder that is hanging in a tree.
Extend the life of a Christmas tree after the holidays

Tue, Dec 21, 2021

Families can still get a lot of fun and joy from their fresh-cut Christmas trees after the holidays by turning them into bird feeders.

birdsholidaygardeningOSU AgricultureOSU ExtensionFood Land and Natural Resources
NEXRAD radar used to predict bird collisions

Fri, Apr 02, 2021

Research published in the Journal of Applied Ecology indicates weather radars are effective tools for predicting bird collisions into buildings and windows.

bird collisionsweather radarAnimal Health and SciencesOSU Ag ResearchOSU AgricultureResearchbirdsOSU ExtensionFood Land and Natural ResourcesAg Researchbird research