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Back on Track: All aboard Polar Express as bucking bull's life is saved

After wrapping up an excellent NFR in 2023, Polar Express was purchased by Jason and Chase Sterk of Sterk Bucking Bulls, located in Irene, South Dakota. The bull was going full force into 2024, but as he was bucking at a PBR event in South Carolina, he sustained an injury to his left hind leg that would put his career on hold.
Determining the Soundness of a Breeding Bull

Wed, Mar 04, 2020

If you're in the market for a bull this spring, you've got a lot to think about. There are many production considerations including calving ease, calf growth potential and the improving genetic traits in the herd. You want to get the most for your money on this big investment.

BreedingAnimal Health and SciencesCollege of Veterinary Medicinebulls
Bovine Sports Medicine — Keeping the Buck in the Bull

Fri, Dec 13, 2019

Animal athletes come in all shapes and sizes. Generations of selective breeding have produced genetic lines of animals that are deemed more suited to a specific athletic discipline. For example, some dogs are bred to hunt, while others are bred for agility; some horses are bred for racing, while others are bred to work with cows. The evolution of today’s bucking bull athlete is no different.

Animal Health and SciencesRodeoveterinariansbovine sports medicinebullsBoren Veterinary Medical HospitalCollege of Veterinary Medicinebull riding