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OSUTeach Preservice Science and Mathematics Teachers Present Research

Wed, May 02, 2018

OSUTeach hosted its annual Research Symposium and Reception on May 1. The event recognized the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) faculty and graduate students who took time to mentor preservice teachers in research and provided an opportunity for preservice science and mathematics teachers to share the research they conducted via poster presentations.

College of Education and Human SciencesResearchEducationTeaching Learning and Educational SciencesacademicsScience and Mathematics EducationSTEM
Piloting a Win-Win

Tue, May 01, 2018

With the help of Oklahoma State University-Oklahoma City, five students from the Advanced Science and Technology Education Charter (ASTEC) public school in Oklahoma City have taken their senior year to a whole new level. They work in technical support at the Dell Oklahoma City Campus 25 hours a week, earning a salary, contributing to a 401(k) and gaining life-changing experience, all while working toward their high school diplomas and getting college credit hours.

State magazineacademic excellenceScience and TechnologySTEMEducationHigh School ProgramsOSU-OKCInternship
Education Professor Receives National Science Foundation Grant

Mon, Aug 28, 2017

The National Science Foundation recently awarded Oklahoma State University science education associate professor Julie Angle $599,652 for a project that will focus on authentic undergraduate research experiences for future science educators. The three-year grant comes from NSF’s Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Education and Human Resources.

College of Engineering Architecture and TechnologyResearchTeaching Learning and Educational SciencesCollege of Arts and SciencesSTEMEducationGrantsScience and Mathematics EducationCollege of Education and Human Sciences
Education Professor Receives National Science Foundation Grant

Mon, Aug 28, 2017

The National Science Foundation recently awarded Oklahoma State University science education associate professor Julie Angle $599,652 for a project that will focus on authentic undergraduate research experiences for future science educators. The three-year grant comes from NSF’s Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Education and Human Resources.

Teaching Learning and Educational SciencesCollege of Arts and SciencesSTEMSecondary EducationCollege of Engineering Architecture and TechnologyGrantsScience and Mathematics EducationCollege of Education and Human SciencesStaff and FacultyEducationResearch
NASA Awards College of Education, partners $25 million grant

Tue, May 30, 2017

The Oklahoma State University College of Education has been awarded a $25 million grant from NASA Johnson Space Center’s Office of Education.

STEMEducational TechnologyEducational Foundations Leadership and AviationAviation and SpaceCollege of Education and Human SciencesEducation
The Science of Teaching

Fri, Nov 18, 2016

The method continues to work for Angle, now an associate professor in science education, as she was recognized with the Oklahoma State University Regents’ Distinguished Teaching Award for 2015. The award is given to one faculty member in each college each year. Recipients must have evidenced unusually significant and meritorious achievement in the instruction of students for a number of years. Though Angle has received numerous accolades through her career, the Regents’ award has a special meaning.

STEMCollege of Education and Human SciencesStaff and FacultyEducationCollege TeachingawardsScience and Mathematics EducationTeaching Learning and Educational SciencesTeaching
Ph.D. Graduate, NSF Fellow Featured on National Radio Broadcast “Science Friday”

Thu, Mar 24, 2016

Recent Ph.D. graduate Nicole Colston was recently a guest on Science Friday, a new national radio program, and discussed findings from her dissertation, which focused on the state of climate change education in Oklahoma. Science Friday is produced by the Science Friday Initiative, a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing the public’s access to science and scientific information.

AlumniCollege of Education and Human SciencesScience and Mathematics EducationSTEMEducationTeachersTeaching Learning and Educational Sciences
Science Education Faculty Toni Ivey Working With Geology Team on NSF Funded Project

Mon, Oct 13, 2014

Science education assistant professor Toni Ivey is working with geology faculty Daniel Lao-Davila (Principal Investigator), Estella Atekwana and Mohamed Abdelsalam on a project that recently received $244,276 in funding from the National Science Foundation to investigate how continents break apart.

STEMGeologyGrantsResearchCollege of Arts and SciencesEducationCollege of Education and Human Sciences