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CVM veterinarians solve horse’s medical issues by removing loose bone piece

As with many high-performing athletes, competition demands eventually took their toll, and Zeke sustained a sesamoid injury. Although the bone injury did not immediately affect Zeke, it affected his ability to run and compete at a prominent level over time.
First Case of Vesicular Stomatitis Confirmed in Oklahoma

Wed, Jul 08, 2020

The Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry has confirmed the first case of vesicular stomatitis in Washington County, Oklahoma. This places restrictions on horses and livestock moving from Oklahoma to some other states and countries.

Vesicular StomatitisAnimal Health and SciencesHorsesEquineHorseCollege of Veterinary Medicine
Horse owners urged to plan care during pandemic

Tue, Mar 31, 2020

While the primary concern of the COVID-19 pandemic is for human health, horse owners should have plans in place to ensure proper care of their horses in case of sickness and hospitalization.

Animal Health and SciencesHorsesNews TopicsOutreach and EngagementAnimal and Food SciencesCOVID-19Oklahoma Cooperative Extension ServicecoronavirusOSU AgricultureAgricultureFerguson College of AgricultureAgricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesHorse
Equine Enterprise Management certificate program offered by Oklahoma State University

Fri, Aug 10, 2018

OSU’s College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources is doing its part to fill the void with a first-of-its-kind program, the Equine Enterprise Management certificate program, will be offered to any undergraduate student at the university.

HorseAgricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesAnimal Health and SciencesEquineOSU AgricultureCASNREducationFerguson College of Agriculture