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OSU-OKC safety tips: Stay aware this winter

As the seasons turn to winter, holiday shopping picks up and it gets darker earlier, keeping safety in mind is essential.
Kiel Pepper, director of safety and security at OSU-OKC, monitors weather and other happenings at OSU-OKC.
Free environmental law enforcement training day available in Tulsa

Mon, Jun 12, 2023

OSU Extension, ODEQ and USDA will host the Oklahoma Environmental Law Enforcement Training Seminar in Tulsa on June 22. This seminar is free.

Human Health and WellnessDepartment of Agricultural EconomicsOSU ExtensionenvironmentFood Land and Natural ResourcesOSU AgricultureoutreachConsumer Safety
Safe water, food and medicine important after wildfire

Fri, Apr 20, 2018

STILLWATER, Okla. (April 20, 2018) – After a wildfire, the safety of water and food as well as medications are at the top of the priority list for affected families.

Ferguson College of AgricultureOSU AgricultureAgricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesWildfireExtensionOutreach and EngagementConsumer SafetyFood SafetyFamily and Consumer Sciences
Flipping the switch on power outages

Mon, Apr 16, 2018

STILLWATER, Okla. (April 16, 2018) – Power outages happen, but families do not have to be left in the dark when the lights go out.

Agricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesFerguson College of AgricultureOSU AgricultureConsumer SafetyFood SafetyFamily and Consumer Sciences
Tips for wishing your home a healthy new year

Thu, Feb 08, 2018

STILLWATER, Okla. (Feb. 8, 2018) – People have all sorts of New Year’s resolutions. Some want to get slimmer, some want to save more money, some want to try new experiences. Well, what about wanting a healthy home?

Ferguson College of AgricultureAgricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesOSU AgricultureConsumer SafetyHousingFamily and Consumer SciencesExtensionOutreach and Engagement
Safely sending perishable holiday gifts

Tue, Dec 12, 2017

STILLWATER, Okla. – What is a family to do if an out-of-town loved one cannot make it home for the holidays but loves turkey and dressing? Mailing perishable homemade goods or sending items via mail order is certainly a viable option for gift givers. Following some food safety tips will help avoid the risk of foodborne illness.

Ferguson College of AgricultureOSU AgricultureAgricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesExtensionOutreach and EngagementfoodConsumer SafetyFood SafetyFamily and Consumer Sciences