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No longer up in the air: High school students find meaningful career guidance at Aero-Student Day

On Thursday, Oklahoma State University hosted the third annual Thunder Aerospace Day at the Paycom Center in Oklahoma City.
A group of students react in the stands at the Paycom Center in Oklahoma City.
Tick talk: Time for parasite prevention, OSU experts say

Fri, Jun 18, 2021

Oklahomans are noticing they’re inadvertently bringing home tiny, uninvited hitchhikers this summer, Oklahoma State University experts said. It's tick season.

News TopicsFood Land and Natural ResourcesCollege of Veterinary MedicineHuman Health and WellnessOSU AgricultureticksENTOoutreach
Women in agriculture gaining recognition long deserved

Tue, Mar 16, 2021

Based on the latest Census of Agriculture and organizational hierarchy charts throughout the industry, it might seem as though women have been stepping into more ag leadership roles in recent years. But they’ve been there all along, from farm to board room.

Women's History MonthNews Topicsoutreach#OrangeIsTheAnswerOSU Agriculture
Undergraduate research uncovers more than expected

Wed, Feb 10, 2021

Providing undergraduate students with such research opportunities has been a decades-long emphasis in the OSU Ferguson College of Agriculture and has played a key role in many OSU Ag Research projects while growing the STEM fields – science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Science and TechnologyoutreachEducationNews TopicsAg Researchresearch grantsResearchDASNROSU Agriculture
Ranchers webinar series moves into alfalfa

Tue, Aug 04, 2020

The popular Ranchers Thursday Lunchtime series of free cattle industry webinars is extending into August and September with a spotlight on alfalfa, Oklahoma State University Extension officials said.

ranchersalfalfaoutreachAgricultural EducationAgricultural Communications ServicesOSU AgricultureDASNRFerguson College of AgricultureAgricultural Sciences and Natural Resourcesnews
OSU Extension offices take steps to reopen

Fri, May 22, 2020

Oklahoma State University Extension is moving through the next phase of reopening county offices to the public in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, officials said.

Agricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesOSU AgricultureoutreachFerguson College of AgriculturenewsOklahoma Cooperative Extension ServiceNews Topics
OKC park green to go with Extension resources

Tue, Apr 21, 2020

The greenery in spring bloom at Scissortail Park were chosen for central Oklahoma, OSU alumnus and horticulture director Lance Swearengen said. Extension played a key role. That’s not hyperbole, either; it’s a design point expected to save hundreds of thousands of dollars for taxpayers who backed the MAPS 3 project, the park’s director of horticulture said recently.

Agricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesoutreachOutreach and EngagementAgricultural Communications ServicesOSU ExtensionDASNRscissortailOklahoma Cooperative Extension ServiceEducationFerguson College of AgriculturehorticultureOSU Agriculture
Webinars set for cattle industry over viral concerns

Mon, Mar 23, 2020

Oklahoma State University and Extension experts will host two online teleconferences March 26 and 31 to address questions about the cattle industry, markets and COVID-19.

OSU AgricultureCattleFerguson College of AgricultureEducationoutreachDASNRAgricultural Communications ServicescoronavirusNews TopicsmarketsAgricultural Sciences and Natural Resources