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Taking the Leap from Summer Fellowship to Full-Time Graduate Student

Mon, Jul 30, 2018

As part of the OSU-Tulsa Research Experience for Undergraduates in materials science and entrepreneurship, Lynsey Baxter spent last summer with a graduate student researching materials to shield astronauts from galactic cosmic radiation.

Science and TechnologyOSU-TulsaEngineering and DesignCEATResearchCollege of Engineering Architecture and Technology
Master’s in Electrical Engineering Ranked in Top 25

Wed, Jun 20, 2018

STILLWATER, Okla. – Oklahoma State University has been selected as one of the top 25 best online master’s in electrical engineering by

College of Engineering Architecture and TechnologyEngineering and DesignElectrical and Computer EngineeringCEATScience and Technology
Health Data Shootout competition reveals winners

Tue, Mar 27, 2018

Students from across Oklahoma State's Stillwater campus divided into teams, each a mixture of five graduate and undergraduate students from various major and master’s programs, to compete in this year’s Health Data Shootout competition.

CHSICEATRiata Center for Innovation and EntrepreneurshipSpears School of BusinessBusinessHuman Health and WellnessEngineering and Design
Defense technology engineer to receive alumni award at OSU

Tue, Apr 10, 2007

Dr. Les Priebe — an Okeene, Oklahoma, native whose engineering accomplishments include early developments in the medicinal use of lasers and electronic innovations that helped reduce the loss of American pilots and warplanes in post-Vietnam War conflicts — will be honored at Oklahoma State University.

CEAT AlumniCEATCollege of Engineering Architecture and Technology
Power outages, growing threat of blackouts signal national infrastructure problem

Tue, Jul 25, 2006

Invisible and reliable, electric power goes unnoticed until the lights, air conditioning and other modern comforts and necessities won’t come on and daily life is disrupted.

College of Engineering Architecture and TechnologyCEATelectrical engineeringenergy and powerpower outage