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Veterinary Viewpoints: Disease Testing New Additions to a Herd

Fri, Sep 17, 2021

Adding new herd members represents a significant investment. Typically, producers spend a great deal of time evaluating pedigrees, genomics and phenotypic appearance. However, don’t overlook the health status of the individual animal.

Animal Health and SciencesCattleVeterinary ViewpointsCollege of Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary Viewpoints: Giving and Receiving Veterinary Medical Advice via Social Media

Thu, Sep 02, 2021

Animal owners often turn to social media for answers to all types of questions including medical advice for their pets and livestock. Online information is abundant but not always accurate, and it may be difficult for some owners to differentiate the good from the bad. Most animal owners are also willing to share their experiences and help others via social media, but depending on the advice given, they may be in violation of the law.

CattleHorsesAnimal Health and SciencesdogscatsCollege of Veterinary MedicineVeterinary Viewpoints
Veterinary Viewpoints: Old McDonald Had a Farm

Tue, Aug 17, 2021

Multispecies farms are common around Oklahoma, and they do bring joy as the song indicates. There are, however, a few considerations when multiple species of animals are housed in proximity to one another. Certain medications, feeds and feed additives that are advantageous to the health of one species can actually be detrimental to other species.

SheepVeterinary ViewpointsCattleCollege of Veterinary MedicineAnimal Health and SciencesHorses
OSU research has potential to save cattle industry millions

Wed, Aug 11, 2021

Oklahoma State University molecular biologists recently received a grant worth nearly $500,000 from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture for research that has the potential of saving the cattle industry millions of dollars.

Food Land and Natural Resources#OrangeIsTheAnswerOSU AgricultureOSU Ag ResearchCattle
Veterinary Viewpoints: Tricks and Tips for Cattle Processing Day

Thu, Aug 05, 2021

Cattle processing day takes a great deal of planning for ranchers. These tips and tricks we offer can improve the accuracy of records, increase efficiency, and enhance the safety and experience for team members and cattle alike.

College of Veterinary MedicineVeterinary ViewpointsAnimal Health and SciencesCattle
Veterinary Viewpoints: Fighting Johne’s Disease

Wed, Jun 30, 2021

Johne’s Disease is a slow, contagious disease that is typically fatal to cattle, but there are ways beef producers can keep it out of herds.

CattleCollege of Veterinary MedicineAnimal Health and Sciences
Veterinary Viewpoints: Is it safe to lease bulls?

Wed, Jun 02, 2021

As breeding season approaches for many livestock species, the idea of leasing males arises. Importing genetics to improve a herd or flock and maintain hybrid vigor, without the purchase and maintenance of a male, is a very attractive idea, especially to smaller producers. On the surface, it can seem that leasing males is viable with little downside, but some real problems may occur.

College of Veterinary MedicineSheepCattleAnimal Health and Sciences