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Farm succession planning difficult but necessary

Thu, Jun 24, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a lot of difficult conversations about what happens to the family farm when its founder leaves suddenly.

OSU AgricultureAgricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesCOVID-19Outreach and EngagementOSU ExtensionFerguson College of AgricultureNews Topics
Retired OSU professor honored with Dr. John Gilbreath Day

Wed, Jun 23, 2021

Retired OSU poultry science professor and World War II veteran John Gilbreath was honored with a Dr. John Gilbreath Day proclamation from the City of Stillwater on June 19, 2021.

Department of Animal and Food SciencesDr. John Gilbreath DayCity of Stillwater proclamationJohn Gilbreathpoultry scienceOSU Agriculture
Tick talk: Time for parasite prevention, OSU experts say

Fri, Jun 18, 2021

Oklahomans are noticing they’re inadvertently bringing home tiny, uninvited hitchhikers this summer, Oklahoma State University experts said. It's tick season.

News TopicsFood Land and Natural ResourcesCollege of Veterinary MedicineHuman Health and WellnessOSU AgricultureticksENTOoutreach
Oklahoma 4-H builds sense of community for youth and adult volunteers alike

Fri, Jun 18, 2021

Most people are aware of what the presence of an enthusiastic adult can mean to kids. Friendships with other volunteers can mean just as much to adults involved.

4-H4-H volunteers and parentsAgricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesOSU ExtensionNews TopicsOklahoma YouthOklahoma Cooperative Extension ServiceOutreach and EngagementOSU Agriculture
Oklahoma a national leader in adopting Emergency Broadband Benefit program

Fri, Jun 18, 2021

EBB is a temporary program to help families and households struggling to afford broadband internet service during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Agricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesinternetRural DevelopmentOutreach and EngagementOSU AgricultureNews TopicsbroadbandAgricultural EconomicsOSU Extension
Veterinary Viewpoints: Summer travel with your pet

Thu, Jun 17, 2021

Summer is here, and with it often comes travel. If you plan to take your furry friend with you, there are a few things to consider before you head out on the highway or purchase that plane ticket.

dogscatsAnimal Health and SciencesCollege of Veterinary MedicineOSU Agriculture
OSU Agriculture to honor six individuals with Champion award

Thu, Jun 17, 2021

Oklahoma State University is honoring six individuals who have demonstrated a continuing commitment to agricultural sciences and natural resources.

OSU AgricultureNews TopicsChampion for OSUDASNR
OSU to honor six agriculture alumni with Distinguished Alumni Award

Thu, Jun 17, 2021

Oklahoma State University is honoring six individuals who have brought distinctive credit to the university’s Ferguson College of Agriculture and contributed significantly to society.

DASNRDistinguished Alumni AwardOSU Agriculture
OSU entomology professor presented lifetime achievement award

Wed, Jun 16, 2021

Tom Royer has been an integrated pest management advocate and researcher since 1983 and a leading force behind IPM Oklahoma! - an integrative program involving agricultural, horticultural and urban pest management systems.

OSU AgricultureResearchOSU ExtensionDepartment of Entomology and Plant PathologyFood Land and Natural Resourcesintegrated pest managementOSU Ag Research