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OSU Vice President selected to serve on IFDC board of directors

Fri, Jul 02, 2021

Thomas G. Coon, vice president of OSU Agricultural Programs and dean of the Ferguson College of Agriculture, has been selected to serve on the board of directors for the International Fertilizer Development Center.

OSU AgricultureNews TopicsAg ResearchCampus Life and DiversityDr. Thomas CoonOutreach and EngagementAgriculture
Sticking to the basics: FAPC hosts food labeling training

Fri, Jul 02, 2021

The Robert M. Kerr Food and Agricultural Products Center hosted a food labeling workshop for small businesses.

Ag ResearchFood Land and Natural ResourcesNews TopicsFAPCDASNRFood and Agricultural Products CenterOSU AgricultureOSU Ag Research
Summer fruit festivals return in support of rural communities

Fri, Jul 02, 2021

Annual festivals that unite communities and generate sales tax revenue, such as the Porter Peach Festival and the McLoud Blackberry Festival, are back in full force this summer.

OSU Extensionfruit festivalsFood Land and Natural ResourcesOSU AgricultureMcLoud Blackberry Festivaleconomic developmentPorter Peach Festivalcommunity development
OSU dairy research improves production for industry

Thu, Jul 01, 2021

Oklahoma State University Department of Animal and Food Sciences researchers Andrew Foote and Leon Spicer will be presenting research related to dairy cow nutrition at the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) conference this summer.

College of Veterinary MedicineAnimal Health and SciencesResearchFood Land and Natural ResourcesOSU AgricultureFerguson Family Dairy CenterOSU Ag Research#OrangeIsTheAnswerDepartment of Animal and Food Sciences
Stubbs named 4-H Lifetime Volunteer of the Year

Wed, Jun 30, 2021

Lily Stubbs, 4-H volunteer in Cleveland County, has been named the 2021 4-H Lifetime Volunteer of the Year.

News TopicsOSU ExtensionOklahoma 4-H Youth DevelopmentDASNROSU Agriculture4-H
Sun grant supports biofuel research of sweetgum trees

Wed, Jun 30, 2021

Oklahoma State University ag researchers have received Sun Grant funding to study hybrid sweetgum trees as a potential feedstock for biobased industries.

OSU Ag ResearchDepartment of Natural Resource Ecology Managementhybrid sweetgumFood Land and Natural Resourcessweetgum treesSun GrantOSU Agriculture
Good news for wheat harvest

Tue, Jun 29, 2021

Wheat harvest in Oklahoma appears to be going well as it heads into its final stages, despite a late start in parts of the state because of weather and excessive soil moisture, said Oklahoma State University experts.

Outreach and EngagementNews TopicsOSU AgricultureFood Land and Natural ResourceswheatOSU Extension
Long-term fertility trial reaches its 50th harvest

Tue, Jun 29, 2021

The 502 crop, one of the youngest of OSU Ag Research fertility trials, had its 50th harvest this month.

OSU AgricultureResearchDepartment of Plant and Soil SciencesOSU Ag ResearchFood Land and Natural Resources
Fireworks fun requires caution

Mon, Jun 28, 2021

More than a year of COVID-19 precautions and vaccinations has Oklahomans looking to Independence Day as a fireworks-punctuated opportunity to reconnect with friends and neighbors. That enthusiasm could leave the community open to other risks: accidental injuries and fires.

Ferguson College of AgricultureOutreach and EngagementNews TopicsAgricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesFCSfireworksOSU ExtensionOSU Agriculture
Researchers deploy virtual fencing technology to improve grazing and water quality

Thu, Jun 24, 2021

Oklahoma State University researchers have received funding from the Environmental Protection Agency to examine how virtual fencing technology could improve the water quality and ecosystems of cattle grazing lands.

virtual fencingwater qualitywatershedsgrazing landsFood Land and Natural ResourcesScience and TechnologyEnvironmental Protection AgencyGPS collars#OrangeIsTheAnswerOSU AgricultureOSU Ag Research