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FAPC spotlights food trends for 2025

The Food and Agricultural Products Center reviews the most popular foods and food concepts for the upcoming year.
Four loaves of sourdough bread on a baking tray. Human hands use a small kitchen tool to draw lines and designs on the top of the raw dough.
FAPC predicts food trends on the menu for 2023

Mon, Dec 19, 2022

Experts at the OSU Robert M. Kerr Food and Agricultural Products Center discuss the popular food trends expected in the new year.

OSU AgriculturefoodOSU ExtensionFood and Agricultural Products Centerfood science
OSU Extension workshop to focus on water-bath canning

Fri, May 13, 2022

Oklahoma State University Extension specialists will host the Tri-County Canning Workshop on June 8. They will focus on the water-bath canning method and participants will make jelly and salsa.

foodFamily and Consumer SciencesOutreach and EngagementOSU Agriculturefood scienceOSU Extensionfood safety
What causes post-meal drowsiness on Thanksgiving day?

Wed, Nov 17, 2021

Darren Scott, food scientist at the Robert M. Kerr Food and Agricultural Products Center at Oklahoma State University, explains why people feel tired after eating the Thanksgiving meal.

Food and Agricultural Products CenterOSU AgricultureHuman Health and Wellnessfood sciencefoodScience and TechnologyFood Land and Natural Resources
Feeding Success: Food science students honored with Gilliland Memorial Fellowship

Thu, Jun 25, 2020

The Oklahoma State University Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Centered honored two graduate students with the Stanley E. Gilliland Memorial Fellowship in Food Science, providing $1,000 toward each recipient’s education efforts.

Food and Agricultural Products Centerfood science researchFerguson College of AgricultureGilliland Memorial FellowshipOSU Agriculturefood safetyFood Land and Natural Resourcesfood scienceScience and TechnologyAgricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesResearchStanley E. GillilandFAPC
FAPC impacts Oklahoma food industry in 2019

Tue, Jan 14, 2020

The Oklahoma State University Robert M. Kerr Food and Agricultural Products Center continued to support innovation and growth of food and agricultural businesses throughout Oklahoma in 2019, providing a total economic impact of more than $28 million.

food scienceAgricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesFAPCfood industryFood Land and Natural Resourcesfood manufacturingfood centerOutreach and Engagementfood safetyfood productsfood processingfood innovationFerguson College of AgricultureFood and Agricultural Products Centerfood productionOSU Agriculture