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OSU app competition focuses on bringing research to public

Mon, Oct 14, 2019

The Oklahoma State University App Center is accepting submissions for the 8th annual From Research to App Competition. The competition is open to OSU students, faculty and staff and offers a total of $11,500 in prizes.

OSU ResearchAppNews TopicscompetitionOSU App Center
Niblack Research Scholars program celebrates 15 years at OSU

Fri, Oct 04, 2019

The Niblack Research Scholars program celebrated its 15th anniversary during its recent event with founder Dr. John Niblack.

Dr. John NiblackOSU ResearchScholarsResearchNiblack Research Scholars
OSU’s strategic research initiatives emerge to address societal challenges

Mon, Sep 16, 2019

Oklahoma State University has designated four research areas for focused investment and growth in the coming years, based upon the compelling societal needs that are being addressed. These new programs, selected through a competitive 15-month process, are collectively being labeled Tier 1 Research Initiatives (Timely, Impactful, Engaged Research).

Research Matters magazineOSU ResearchTier1Research
14 OSU undergraduate researchers earn prestigious Niblack scholarship

Tue, Sep 03, 2019

Fourteen top Oklahoma State University undergraduate students have been selected as Niblack Research Scholars for the 2019-20 school year, earning $8,000 scholarships and the opportunity to conduct supervised research.

ResearchNiblackScholarsOSU Researchundergraduates
McNair Scholars celebrate successful Summer Research Institute

Tue, Aug 20, 2019

After a 10-week course at the inaugural McNair Scholars Summer Research Institute, a group of McNair scholars at Oklahoma State University has reason to celebrate.

McNairResearchOSU Research
Food industry leaders focus attention on FAPC research

Wed, Jul 17, 2019

The Industry Advisory Committee of Oklahoma State University’s Robert M. Kerr Food & Agricultural Products Center met June 6, 2019, on the OSU campus to learn more about faculty research and discuss how the advisory board can help meet the needs of the center.

OSU AgricultureFAPCadvisory boardfood industryDASNROSU ResearchAgricultural Sciences and Natural Resourcesfood processingFood and Agricultural Products CenterFood Land and Natural ResourcesIACFerguson College of AgricultureIndustry Advisory Committeefood innovation
OSU’s new Animal Nutrition and Physiology Center to benefit all of Oklahoma, and beyond

Wed, Jun 05, 2019

The new center will be a state-of-the-art facility dedicated to conducting animal studies primarily related to climate variability, production efficiency and sustainability in the areas of animal and human health; animal genetics, growth, nutrition and reproduction; and general animal well-being.

fishAgricultureAnimal Health and SciencesFood Land and Natural ResourcesCattleOSU AgricultureOklahoma Cooperative Extension ServiceOSU ResearchOklahoma Agricultural Experiment StationNews TopicsAgricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesEducationFerguson College of AgricultureResearchLivestock
OSU startup to be recognized at national showcase

Fri, Mar 29, 2019

Oklahoma State University affiliated startup Roll-2-Roll Technologies LLC has been selected to participate in the 2019 University Innovation and Entrepreneurship Showcase in Washington, D.C. on April 10, according to the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities and the Association of American Universities. Roll-2-Roll will be one of 20 startups featured in the showcase.

OSU ResearchCollege of Engineering Architecture and TechnologyScience and TechnologyResearchMechanical and Aerospace EngineeringNews TopicsCEAT ResearchEngineering and DesignEducation